Tuesday, February 23, 2010

First post, perhaps last

Welcome. I'm not sure just how long I'll be using this blog. Perhaps this may be the first and only entry.

I've been living with ADD for almost as long as I can remember. In 11th grade (9 years ago, phew!) I was diagnosed and perscribed medication. It worked pretty well, and I made vast improvement in my studies.

But after high school, college was another story. I guess without having someone there to make sure you're doing what you're supposed to be doing, I failed. Constantly. It's embarassing to say, but I've been going to the local community college for 8 years off and on, and still don't have even an AA.

I don't think I'm stupid (although for awhile I even thought I may have mild retardation), but I think I do have issues with ADD. I had gone off and on medication, trying to shy away from it. Maybe I just didn't want to take meds every day, or thought I could handle life without it. But without any kind of therapy, just cold turkey didn't help at all.

It's not just school, it's work. The worst part is, I'm typing this at work right now. I really have a hard time focusing on what needs to be done, and it's terrible because I know some things that need to be done right now. I'll make this quick and finish, but I needed to just work towards something I suppose.

I actually started reading a book last month. "Delivered to Distraction". When I started to read about the symptoms, and the stories about the people who have ADD, I couldn't ignore my issue any longer. I highly reccomend it to anyone who thinks they may have ADD, and to find out a way to improve their life.

I think the purpose of this blog is to not only vent about how I feel living with ADD, but to explain any progress I make. Even typing this entry in almost one sitting is an acheivement for me, usually I'll end up browsing some website (I browse alot). So I'm going to try and make updates whenever I can, documenting not only what I've done, but what needs to be done.

If anyone who has, or thinks they have ADD comes across this blog, please feel free to contribute! I'd love to talk to anyone living the same way I am.

Nice to meet you internets.

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